Read these facts about about the Anasazi culture:
? This North American civilization started to develop around AD 100.
?These people lived in the area where the states of?
Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, and Colorado meet.?
?The word Anasazi means "Ancient Ones".
Can you figure out where the Anasazi lived?
Here is a blank map of the United States.? |
Here is a labeled map of the United States. |
?Continue reading these facts about the Anasazi culture: |
When these people first settled in this area they were already excellent basket weavers.? They knew how to grow maize and pumpkins. They were also hunters and gatherers. They lived in caves or in shelters made of poles and adobe mud.? The caves and the shelters had special pits with roofs that they used to store food. Later, agriculture (farming),? became their?most important? concern.? Around the year AD 1000 they built their homes along the sides or under the overhangs of cliffs.? At the end of the 13th century (1200's), these cliff dwellings were deserted. |
Click the photograph below for a pictorial tour of the cliff dwellings and pueblos of these ancient people. |