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Ms. Durands

Homework Board



January 21, 2010


Message Home

  • Spelling Bee practice, Monday after school
  • Optional: 100th Day project- due Feb. 3rd.
  • Ms Durand's email: 

Upcoming Events

28th: 6th Grade Spelling Bee- 9-10am 


Ch. 3A TEST on Fridayadding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing DECIMALS.
complete problem solving worksheet

Use the 2 Holt Math websites: Online Textbook   Homework Help

Online Textbook Username: one111  Password: j5k9k


 Adjectives TEST on Monday. Use your workbook to review.


Lists #6-10 Unit TEST on Wednesday. (spelling of all 25 words only.)


Guided Reading Packet due Monday

Independent Reading Book-  Students are required to be reading from a novel of their choice each week-- 20 minutes per day for 5 out of the 7 days in a week.  Days should be logged in their IRB Log and signed with a parent signature for every Monday.  Students also need to bring their independent reading book to school on Monday. 

Social Studies

Daily GeographyDG #5.
Crack the Code activity and Hieroglyphics packet

Epic of Gilgamesh
Egyptian Mummy Info
King Tut's Tomb
Roman Gladiators

National Geographic King Tut Video



Relative Rock Age worksheet- read article and answer questions.
Rock Quiz on Monday

Science Fair due Wednesday: Week 10- Write your conclusion and bibliography. Follow the Conclusion Guideline Questions. For your bibliography follow the format from you handout. Start printing pictures of your experiment.

Check out Pangaea in action!!  Pangaea

Roller Coaster Resources
Interactive: Design Your Own Roller Coaster

Great Websites!

How are you smart?


Interactive: Design Your Own Roller Coaster

Interactive: Can We Predict When Volcanoes Erupt?
Interactive: What Makes Up the Earth?
Interactive: Garbage, How Do We Reduce Our Waste?


Interactive: United States History Map


Interactive: Twirling 3D Shapes


Interactive: Elements of a Story

Check out Pangaea in action!!  Pangaea


Science Simulations