Welcome to the Eleanor Van Gelder Parent Teacher Organization or EVG-PTO!



We are an active group with terrific support from administration and the community.  Our membership is inclusive (all families, staff and teachers are considered a part), and there are no fees or dues. Please take a look at our website (evgschool.org/pto) to keep up with all of our wonderful events and to contact us easily.  We look forward to seeing you!


Please provide us with the following information so we can contact you about PTO events and volunteer opportunities!

Name: ________________________________________________________

Child(ren)s name(s):______________________________________________
Child(ren)s class(es): _____________________________________________

Phone: _____________________    Email: ____________       ________________

____ I would like to receive e-mail notifications regarding PTO events.

Please check all that apply with regard to some upcoming events.  There is no obligation. I am interested in helping with:

____ the Fall Scholastic Book Fair, October 11th-15th  (daytime hours)

____ the distribution of Fall Fundraiser materials (afternoon hours, October, TBD)

____ Holiday Shoppe, November 24th; November 29th-December 3rd (daytime hours)

____ Barnes and Noble Gift Wrap (at the Edgewater store, daytime and evening hours,

December 15-24)

____ odd jobs Im available during daytime ___ and/or evening  ___ hours