Supply Lists for 2010-2011

Underlined links are pdf's. Thumbnails are also clickable.

Grade 1
Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7 Supply List for LMS*

  1. Two 2-inch binders

  2. Two sets of dividers

  3. One 80-100 sheet college ruled notebook

  4. Two boxes of #2 pencils

  5. Two boxes of pens: one blue/black and one additional color

  6. Two packages of loose leaf paper

  7. Calculator **

  8. USB drive (1 GB minimum)

  9. Six durable two-pocket folders. Each folder should be a different color. They can be placed in the binders.

  10. Book socks

* On the 1st day of school, your homeroom teacher will help you organize what goes with what binder based on your individual class schedule

**You will receive a communication about the model of calculator needed and the possibility of the Home and School Association making these calculators available at a lower cost than commercially available.

***LMS Draw String Bags will be available for purchase at the beginning of the school year. Students can carry other nylon drawstring bags if they like. The carriage of large backpacks will continue to be discouraged as we try to lighten the load for our students.

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