Rocky My monster Rocky is a gray rock with bumpy edges and a flat bottom. He has a mouth that is a straight red line with seven pointy teeth going straight down that are rotten. His teeth have 4 brown spots and 6 yellow spots. His eyes are solid black circles. He has eyebrows that are straight black lines which angle down towards the center of his face. He has no nose! Rocky has a background picture. Underneath Rocky is green grass in the shape of a straight line, which is about two cm thick. Above the grass and filling the rest of the background is blue for the sky. A solid dark blue cloud hangs above Rocky's head on the left side of the picture.
Edgewater Original |
Leonia Redrawing |
Vampire Kid
My monsters name is Vampire Kid. Vampire Kid has a large head, a round circular face, and 4 red spikes for hair on top of his head. His ears are big and look like human ears. His nose is a black "V" shape. His black eyebrows are pointing down to his nose. He has 2 white oval eyes with two smaller white ovals inside like pupils. He has a straight black line for a mouth and two white vampire teeth hanging from the top of his mouth. Vampire Kid has a human body. It has 5 fingers on each hand and his skin color is tan. He is wearing a red short sleeve t-shirt and his arms face straight down towards the ground. His pants are dark blue and his black human -like shoes are facing outward.
Edgewater Original |
Leonia Redrawing |
Tank Tank has a small, red squared head with a black outline. His half triangular ears are at the bottom two corners of the head. Theyre blue with a light green outline. He has small, light blue circles for the eyes almost at the top of the head. The eyebrows are straight black lines above the eyes, angling down. The one on the right is thicker than the one on the left. Tanks mouth is a circle without a color filling at the bottom of the head in the center and it has a light pink outline. Theres a light-blue tongue shaped like an oval thats sticking out of the mouth.
His head is placed on top of the body without a neck. Tanks body is shaped like a stretched-out hexagon. It is light blue with a red outline. There are two long arms sticking out at the top of the body. His right red, arm is pointing to the northwest direction and the arm on the left is pointing to the northeast direction. Both arms are outlined with yellow and there are purple triangles with a pink outline at the top of the arms. At the bottom of the body there are three circles. The one on the right is a green middle-sized circle with a dark blue outline. The one in the middle is the smallest. It is red with a blue outline. The one on the left is the biggest. It is magenta with a dark blue outline. He may seem not scary but hes a mean, messy monster.
Edgewater Original |
Leonia Redrawing |
Froggy My creature has a circular head. His eyes are on the top of the edge of his head. His round eyes have black pupils surrounded by white. His head and his body are green as grass. His nose is in the center and is shaped like two short horizontal lines across from each other. His front legs and his back hind legs are vertical and directly under the center of his head. His back legs are positioned like that of a sitting rabbit. His front legs are in between his hind legs. He has feet on each leg. The feet look like human feet and are green just like the rest of the body. His toes are straight short lines. There are 4 toes on the back legs and 3 toes on the front legs. He has a mouth that is making a half smile on the right side of his face. It is a thin black line. He has a headphone on top of his head but he has no ears to listen to the music. The headphone is gray and there is a black outline on the circular part of the headphone. Next to the frog on the right side, there is a stereo. The stereo is the shape of a rectangle and is in a vertical position. There are two circles top and bottom on the front of the stereo. The circles are colored in light gray while the stereo is colored dark gray. The circles and the stereos are outlined in black. Then, there is an squiggly line that connects the headphone to the stereo. The line is the color of light gray just like the color of the circles. There are two black music notes above the headphone on the right side.
Edgewater Original |
Leonia Redrawing |
Square Knight The Square Knight has a square head. It has a straight black line vertically drawn down the middle of his head. The left side of the square is red. The right side of the square head is blue. My monster has a rectangular shaped mouth with a green outline. Inside its mouth there are four, white teeth sticking out from the top of its mouth. My monster has only one eye placed in the middle of its face.The eye is outlined with yellow. Inside its eye there is a brown circle, and in the brown circle there is a black pupil. The Square Knight has blood shots spreading out from the pupil of its eye. The Square Knight has two green, skinny rectangular ears sticking out of its head. The left side of the ear is outlined with red, while the right ear is outlined with blue. Its body is the shape of an oval, like a football. Its body is yellow with a green outline. Two red, wavy lines intersect each other through the center of its body. In each space on its body there are blue circles. My monster has 5 legs. They are very sharp. It looks like 5 knives sticking down from its belly. The first, third, and fifth legs are brown. The rest of the legs are white. The Square Knight has 2 wavy arms. There is a line that separates half of each arm. On the left arm, the right of the line is red. The left of the line is blue. On the other arm, it is the total opposite. My monster has one gray wing on each side that looks like a butterfly wing except it has sharp corners. It extends up from the head and down to my monsters leg. The sharp wings have a blue outline.
Edgewater Original |
Leonia Redrawing |
Circle Head My monster's name is Circle Head. This monster has a circle head (he does not have a body) which is filled in with the color kelly green. Its only eye is a circle that is filled in with white. It has a small black filled-in circle in the center of the eye. This eye is placed in the top center inside the circle head. Circle Head has two green, long, skinny rectangular arms with little, red triangle hands. His right arm is pointing southeast and his left arm is pointing southwest. Circle Head doesn't have a nose. This monster has a red line mouth that looks like a check mark. It has two legs that are shaped like rectangles and are green. These legs come straight down from the bottom of the Circle Head. The feet are green and have no toes. His left foot is pointing east. His right foot is pointing west. The feet are oval shaped.
Edgewater Original |
Leonia Redrawing |
Rock has a vertical oval for a head and has five black triangular hairs as spikes on top of his head. His eyes are black oval circles with red dots in the middle for pupils. His eyebrows are thin black lines that angle down towards the nose. He has a straight black vertical line as a nose. The monsters mouth is oval with five yellow teeth (2 on the top and 3 on the bottom) with gray around each one. It has a tiny red rectangle tongue in the middle of its mouth. Its red body is shaped like a babys bib. Its two yellow legs and one blue tail are placed at the bottom of its body. The tail is placed in the middle. Both arms are blue and shaped like small ovals extending straight out of its body. Everything on this monster is outlined in black.
Edgewater Original |
Leonia Redrawing |
Big Friendly Pumpkin The Big Friendly Pumpkin has a body shaped like a pumpkin. He is orange. His stem is green with light green highlights. He has two triangle eyes; the left eye is bigger than the right eye. The eyeball is yellow and the pupil is blue. The eyes also have three veins popping out from each side. Big Friendly Pumpkin can breathe. His nose is a big green oval with big black nostrils. The BFP has blue lips and three teeth. Round pink shirts are pretty for girls, but the BFP has one too. His shirt goes around his head.
He also has blue pants. His arms and feet are weird. BFP has arms like an octopus. The arm on his right is orange and facing up. It is angled in a northeastern direction. His left arm is also facing up and angled in a northwestern direction. Human feet are pretty, but the Big Friendly Pumpkin has green human feet too. His green feet have five white toes on each foot.
Edgewater Original |
Leonia Redrawing |