Grade 6
Write three descriptive paragraphs about survival of animals on the desert.
The topic sentence for each paragraph is given to you.
Read about desert survival below.
Heat and extremes of temperature create desert survival problems for animals. Fortunately, most desert animals have evolved mechanisms to solve the temperature problems the desert environment creates.
Avoiding HeatCertain species of birds breed in the spring when it is cooler. Then they leave the desert for cooler areas. The Costa's Hummingbird, a purple-crowned and purple-throated desert species, begins breeding in late winter, then leaves in late spring when temperatures become extreme. Many birds are active mostly at dawn and at sunset, retiring to a cool, shady spot for the remainder of the day. Some birds, such as the kingbird, continue activity throughout the day, but always perch in the shade. Many animals are completely nocturnal, active only in the cooler temperatures of the night. Bats, many snakes, most rodents and some larger mammals like foxes and skunks, are nocturnal, sleeping in a cool den, cave or burrow by day. Some smaller desert animals burrow below the surface of the soil or sand to escape the high temperatures at the desert surface. These include many mammals, reptiles, insects and all the desert amphibians. Rodents may plug the entrances to their burrows to keep out hot air. When the days become too hot and the vegetation too dry, a few desert animals such as the Round-tailed Ground Squirrel sleep away the hottest part of the summer. (They also hibernate in winter to avoid the cold season.) Desert Toads remain inactive (dormant) deep in the ground until the summer rains fill ponds. They then come out, breed, lay eggs and replenish their body with food and water for another long period. Certain desert lizards are active during the hottest seasons, but move extremely rapidly over hot surfaces, stopping in cooler "islands" of shade. Their legs may be longer so they absorb less surface heat while running. Dissipating HeatSome animals dissipate heat in various ways. Owls and nighthawks gape open-mouthed while rapidly fluttering their throat region to evaporate water from their mouth cavities. (Only animals with a good supply of water from prey can afford this type of cooling, however.) The bodies of many desert mammals have evolved differently from their relatives in cooler regions. The enormous ears of jackrabbits, with their many blood vessels, release heat when the animal is resting in a cool, shady location. Because the Turkey and Black Vultures are dark in color, they absorb much heat in the desert. So they excrete urine on their legs, cooling them by evaporation. This behavior, is shared with their relatives the storks, successful birds of the African deserts. Both vultures and storks may escape the hot midday temperatures of the desert by soaring high in cooler air. Many desert animals are paler in color than their relatives elsewhere in more moderate environments. Pale colors may be seen in feathers, fur, scales or skin. Pale colors not only ensure that the animal takes in less heat from the environment, but help to make it less conspicuous to predators. |
Now put it all together into a 3-paragraph report. Add your own closing sentence. You may copy and paste if you wish, but be sure to check the following:
Did I indent?
Do all my sentences start with capital letters?
Did I put a space after each period?
Did I put one space only between words?
Did I read the finished paragraphs to myself to make sure they all make sense?
Are all my sentences truly details of the topic sentence?Name Class
Copy and print the activity below to do in your classroom.