directories    science    history    images    encyclopedias   dictionary/thesaurus    biography/authors     maps

 Search Engines Just for Kids



Ask Jeeves for Kids





Encarta Online

The Concise Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia. Enter keyword(s) or phrase.


  Science Search Engines

The "Why Files"

Search 100's of articles about "the science behind the news" from the Univ. of Wisc.-Madison Grad School Enter keyword(s).

SeaWorld Animal Info. Database

Text and photos. Enter keyword(s).

  History Search Engines

American Memories

American History Collection, Library of Congress. Enter keyword(s) or phrase.

For students ages 7-12. Enter keyword(s).

The History Channel

The History Channel does not permit direct searches without going to the main page first. You may wish to visit the link at left and bookmark this wonderful resource for separate use.

The History Channel will be removed from this Search Tools page in the future if TekMom cannot obtain permission from the company to include a direct search box.


The Amazing Picture Machine

Photos, maps, paintings from N. Central Regional Educational Lab. Enter keyword (or phrase in quotes).

American Memories

American History Collection, Library of Congress. Enter keyword(s) or phrase.

 Dictionaries and Thesauruses

Merriam-Webster Dictionary

The trusted source. Enter a word.

Wordsmyth Dictionary-Thesaurus

This treasure has synonyms and similar words. Enter a word.


Formerly the Semantic Rhyming Dictionary. Due to its commercial nature, RhymeZone may be removed. Enter a word. Click the popup box to select an option.

  Biographies, Authors

Over 25,000 biographies; many with picture. Enter full name or last name.

Directories of Authors

CLWG Authors & Illustrators
ALA Authors and Illustrators


Geography: Merriam-Webster's Atlas

Easy-to-use atlas of countries and states. Click a pop-up box and select a map.

National Geographic Xpedition Atlas

Includes black & white maps made especially for printing (use landscape mode). Click on "Atlas."


Physical and political regional maps of the world.

National Geographic Map Machine

Great maps, but difficult to use. To find a specific place, scroll down to the "Find a Place" box.

ABC Maps Simple outline maps.  States, regions, countries. Easy to locate and use.
Geography/About Outline maps of countries.